(Atlantic) Cass/Atlantic Development Corporation is partnering with Iowa Workforce Development and Iowa Economic Development Authority to complete a Laborshed employment study for the Cass County area.
Jennifer McEntaffer, CADCO Director, said this study will geographically define which communities contribute to Cass County’s workforce, regardless of political boundaries.
“The purpose of the Laborshed Study is to measure the availability and characteristics of Cass County workers. So, they try to provide information to make informed expansion and site selection decisions and to maintain and recruit a quality workforce,” explained McEntaffer. “They also address underemployment issues, availability of labor and the likeliness of the employed or not employed to accept different employment.”
McEntaffer said letters will be sent to employers in Cass County and a confidential survey of residents will also be conducted.
“They call businesses and ask about the area codes of their workforce. Individuals are called and asked to complete a survey online. Some of the questions include their employment status, their current and desired wages, current and desired benefits, education level and type of occupation. They don’t ask for anything such as name, social security number or date of birth,” said McEntaffer.
Every year Iowa Workforce Development conducts Laborshed studies across the State. The results of each analysis are publicly available online at www.iowalmi.gov/laborshed .
If you have any questions about the Laborshed project, contact Jennifer McEntaffer at 712-243-2022 or Katie Lippold at 515-2981-3035.