(Anita) A group of previous committee members and others met with an architectural engineering firm in mid-December to review and discuss the possibility of streamlining the CAM School District facilities.
CAM Schools Superintendent Paul Croghan says the district has been working on trimming its learning centers from three to two and now to one. The district is currently operating facilities in Massena and Anita.
The School Board works with the architectural engineering management firm Sitelogiq, which deals exclusively with school districts and buildings.
Croghan says the next facility meeting is scheduled for January 10 at Massena School Media Center at 6:00 p.m. Croghan says the main goal is to get a good cross-section of representation on the facilities committee and be a part of something that molds the district’s future.
There is a flyer on the CAM School District website to sign up to become involved or call the CAM School District Central Office.