(Atlantic) The Cass County Board of Supervisors this morning approved a resolution setting FY2022 Maximum Property Tax Dollars following a public hearing. There were no written or oral comments at the hearing.
The maximum property tax dollars for General County Services shall not exceed $4,962,621 and for Rural County Services $2,841,013. The maximum property tax dollars requested for FY2022 represents an increase of 1.55% in General County Services and an increase of 1.95% in Rural County Services from the Maximum Property Tax dollars requested for FY2021.
The Supervisors set March 16th at 9:00 a.m. as the public hearing on the FY2022 Cass County Budget.
In other news, the Supervisors approved the appointment of Preston Harter as Deputy Sheriff.
The Supervisors also approved the appointment of Barb Baier as a member to the Cass County Local Foods Policy Council with the term ending December 31, 2024.