(Atlantic) Atlantic Area Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Bailey Smith was named the 2024 Angel of Christmas.
The award was presented at Cass Health Friday morning and came as a surprise to Bailey Smith, who thought a hospital employee was going to receive the award. Cass Health CEO Brett Altman…
Brett Altman said Smith has led the Chamber for the past eight years, hosted two RAGBRAI’s, several AtlanticFest events, and all of the many activities throughout the year very selflessly.
Kelsey Beschorner, Atlantic Chamber Program Director, said she and Jessie Shiels wanted to surprise Bailey.
Bailey Smith said she was very surprised and very grateful to be nominated for the Angel of Christmas.
Each year the Angel of Christmas award is given to area residents who symbolize the true meaning of the season. Angels exemplify the true holiday spirit all year long–putting others first, spreading generosity and sharing the holiday spirit with everyone they meet.