(Glenwood) Mills County Public Health is ready for the arrival of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. This will be the first phase of vaccinations the week of December 28th.
Initial vaccine allocations will target Healthcare personnel with direct patient contact, those who work in inpatient, outpatient, or community settings, who provide services to patients or patients’ family members, who handle infectious materials, healthcare personnel working in residential care or long-term care facilities along with skilled nursing facility residents.
Vaccine clinics for these Phase 1A priority populations are being scheduled now for the week of December 28th. If you are in this priority population, check with your employer to verify your clinic time to receive your vaccine with Mills County Public Health, or call-712-5237-9699 to schedule an appointment. Two vaccinations are required, 28 days apart. The immunization of the next priority groups will be announced and defined as information becomes available.