(Cass Co) Cass County Engineer Trent Wolken told the Board of Supervisors this morning that 770th Street at the I-80 overpass will be closing next week.
The DOT will be doing work on the overpass a mile and a half east of the Anita exit.
And a reminder, the bridge over Indian Creek on Highland Road (G-30) west of Atlantic is closing again tomorrow (Wednesday).
Wolken noted that they are also doing some design work on three projects; a bridge south of the landfill, a box culvert east of Cumberland, and a box culvert on 620th Street north of Oxford.
In other news from the Supervisors this morning, the board approved the appointment of Peter Smith to Cass County Condemnation in Eminent Domain for the 2024 term. They accepted the resignation of Michelle Schroder, RN, as Medical Examiner Investigator effective March 23rd. And, approved the appointment of Madison Lund as Medical Examiner Investigator effective March 23rd.
The Supervisors also received a funding request from Tim Miller with the Anita Food Pantry to pave access to the Food Pantry property. The Supervisors said the county would be willing to assist, but they would like more information on what the City is going to do to help out and if there are any other grants or funding sources available to offset the cost.