(Atlantic) Members of Atlantic Rising did their part in making it easier for parents and educators to get back to school.
Atlantic Rising, a group of young professionals from Atlantic and Cass County, distributed blue bags on Thursday, August 19, and invited educators from all over Cass County to pick up the bags full of classroom supplies and treats.
Atlantic Rising’s Social Chair Kelsey Beschorner says this is a yearly project for the group.
This year Atlantic Rising was able to facilitate a school supply drive along with the educator’s appreciation bags. The supplies were divided and delivered to the schools throughout Cass County.
Atlantic Rising sends a special thank you to Meyer and Gross Real Estate, Cass County ISU Extension, Kevin O. Garrett, CPA, PC, Rita Chestnut, and Healthy Cass County for their contributions to make this project a success.
Anyone interested in joining or want more information about Atlantic Rising can contact Kelsey Beschorner at 712-243-3017, or Kelsey@atlanticiowa.com. The membership application can also be found at atlanticiowa.com. McCurdy Investments sponsor Atlantic Rising.