(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council’s Personnel and Finance Committee is recommending the City go a different direction for next year’s fireworks display.
The City received citizen complaints after J & M’s displays fireworks program lasted for only 11- minutes. J&M responding to a letter from the city questioning the length of the show says they learned the tech fired the show at a quick, intense pace, which they thought would be more exciting but it shortened the display. They said the amount fired matched the $6,000 paid by the City; it just fired too quickly. The company proposed to give the community a free $6,000 show in 2022 to make up for it, the stipulation; the show would have to be held on July 2. The Atlantic Personnel and Finance Committee is recommending the Council turn down the proposal and find someone else or another company.
Two Atlantic vendors submitted proposals for the 2022 show. Mark O’Brien of Wild Willy’s and Dan Vargason, from the Iowa Fireworks Company.
Dan Vargason says he has experience in choreographing and electronically firing fireworks. He says his show would last a minimum of 20 minutes with various products, aerial, ground, and mid-level. Vargason appearing at the Personnel and Finance Committee meeting on Wednesday said the City decides the length of the show.
Vargason’s biggest concern is the insurance cost that goes along with it which cost him anywhere from $1,500, to $2,500 to put on the show.
Vargason admits as a vendor, he is allowed to let off Class B fireworks compared to the professional companies that shoot off Class C displays.
Mark O’Brien of Wild Willy’s Fireworks proposes a 45-60 minute display of large Class C fireworks for a fee of $6,000.00. He notes 100-percent of their sales stay locally. O’Brien guaranteed their show would be spectacular and would keep people coming back year after year.
Atlantic City Administrator John Lund says it might be time for the City to up their standard $6,000 expenditure, and invest more into the show. The committee is recommending local vendors or other display companies go through a formal bid process for next year’s show.
Committee Chairperson, Kathy Somers.