(Shelby Co.) The Shelby County Board of Supervisors last week voted to elect Darin Haake as Chairman of Board and Steve Kenkel as Vice-Chairman for the 2021 calendar year.
According to the meeting minutes, the Supervisors also appointed deputies for the following offices as recommended by the elected officials according to Code of Iowa: Marcus Gross, Jr. County Attorney, Assistants: Todd Argotsinger and Blake Miller as well as Ashely West and Jennifer Mumm. Neil Gross Sheriff, Deputies: Cody Eckles, Kelly Lefeber, Chad Butler, William McDaniel, Glenn Birks, Nathan Pigsley, Braden Quist, Jacob Hoss and Nathan Tibbets.
The Supervisors appointed Bryce Schaben as Weed Commissioner for 2021. They set the mileage reimbursement rate at 56-cents. And, the following days were approved as paid holidays for all eligible employees: New Year’s Day – Friday, January 1; Presidents’ Day – Monday, February 15; Memorial Day – Monday, May 31; Independence Day – Observed July 5th; Labor Day – Monday, September 6; Veterans’ Day – Thursday, November 11; Thanksgiving Day – Thursday, November 25; Friday after Thanksgiving – Friday, November 26; Christmas – Friday, December 24, and New Year’s Day , December 31st.
The Supervisors then approved the appointment of Scott Markham as County Medical Examiner and to accept the proposal of the physicians of Shelby County that the doctor on call will act in the Medical Examiner’s absence. Motion carried unanimously. The Harlan Tribune and the Harlan News Advertiser were approved as official newspapers.
The Supervisors approved setting wage increases for Fiscal Year 2022; noncontract employees will receive a two-percent cost of living raise in wages on July 1st. Employees qualifying with a successful evaluation completed by December 13th, 2021 will be considered for a one-percent raise on January 1st, 2022. The board then voted to set the current fiscal year salary/stipend positions; the positions include: Wellness Coordinator $1,000 with a $500 bonus for getting 100% participation in the program. Safety Coordinator $3,500 with a $500 bonus if the mod actor used to calculate workman’s comp rates falls below a factor of 1. Budget Director $4,000, IT Coordinator $2,500 and GIS coordinator $2,000.