(Griswold) Griswold shared Superintendent Dave Henrichs’s report on the district’s budget at Monday’s School Board Meeting, which is going out this week to property taxpayers. Henrichs says the statement will compare the total property tax dollars the districts received in the fiscal year 2024 to the total property tax money needed for the fiscal year 2025.
Henrichs says the first hearing is scheduled for April 3 at 5:30 p.m. The district must show which funds showed an increase in property tax from this fiscal year to the next fiscal year and why.
Henrichs highlighted two areas showing significant increases: the general fund, which the board has no control over because it is all formula-driven.
Henrichs says the other area, (debt service), showed an increase of around $75,000. He says the district’s loan structure naturally increases the payment yearly. Additionally, the board elected to make an advanced payment of about $225,000, saving the taxpayers interest in the long run.
Henrichs says this will be explained at the April 3 budget hearing at 5:30. The second budget hearing is scheduled for April 15 at 5:30.
The school board also approved the following personnel resignations and contracts. They approved resignations effective at the end of the school year for elementary classroom teacher Brittany Karwal and Middle/High School Social Studies Teacher Stephanie Kelley.
The board also approved the transfer of Ryan Lockwood from Head Girl’s Basketball Coach to the Head Varsity Boys’ Basketball Coach and Aaron Houser from Assistant High School Girl’s Basketball Coach to Head High School Girl’s Basketball Coach.
Additionally, the board approved the hiring of Cadence Firch, an Elementary classroom teacher; Chase Wallace, an Elementary classroom teacher; Alicia Dofner, a football and basketball Cheerleading sponsor; and Charity Mundorf, the Head Concessionaire, to fill out the remainder of the school year.