(Audubon) The Audubon County Board of Supervisors reviewed the final draft of their FY24 budget during a meeting this week.
Supervisor’s Chairman Doug Sorensen weighs in, “There’s an allowable growth in the tax levies of two percent. As you can expect I think about every county in the state is going to have to have an extra hearing because of needing to exceed that two percent based on inflation. But I thought as a whole our numbers were pretty good.”
The exceptions are the debt service levy and funding the renovations for the court house. “Looking at trying to finance that courthouse renovation over a period of years and bringing that down.” Sorensen says, “But all in all I was very pleased with the way we held the line on a lot of things. We aren’t going to have a huge increase at least this year.”
Sorensen adds the Supervisors discussed finding a new storage location for county records on microfilm. They’d previously been stored at Audubon County State Bank which is moving to a new location.