(Atlantic) On Wednesday night, the Atlantic School Board approved the bid letting and public hearing date for March 16, at 5:30 p.m. for the complete reconstruction of the South High School parking lot improvement project.
Dave Sturm of Snyder and Associates, Engineers for the project, sent out the final project drawings and designs to prospective bidders on Thursday, February 10. “The parking lot is completely gone and turning to gravel in several areas,” said Sturm.
The project includes the driveway running along the west side of the track and soccer field, similar to the construction on the high school’s west parking lot. “We will remove all the existing concrete, crush it on site, and use it as a base from the new cement,” explained Sturm. “We’re adding the same sub-drain system under this as we added to the front lot and two new intakes.”
Sturm says the project would start when school lets out this spring, completing on August 12. Sturm says, “this is a public bid, and we hope for a local contractor, can’t guarantee it, but that is what we’re hoping for.”
The cost estimate for the project is around 552,000.