(Atlantic) On Wednesday evening, the Atlantic School Board discussed ESSER III requiring school districts to spend at least 20% of these dollars on lost learning. The portion for Atlantic is around $425,000 and will be available through June 30, 2024.
“We have had initial discussions with leadership teams. I feel that this is an opportunity for us to use community resources as part of our plan and make it possible for every student to be a part of these learning experiences,” said Atlantic Schools Superintendent Steve Barber. “The Dollars used in this category are those associated with some of our summer work with The Happiness Advantage. The other two bulleted points will give us some flexibility on working with staff on other important aspects of learning, social well-being, and physical health.”
Barber said when COVID hit, and the district implemented some technology platforms that have helped connect families and tiered interventions. He mentioned SeeSaw, IXL, Acellus, Zoom as a few examples that have helped the school meet the needs of students and families. Barber said continued support for these programs would help in utilizing these programs to their fullest potential.
Barber says the ThoughtExchange and the Communication Specialist will help gather important information from different stakeholders that will assist in making effective decisions for the district and finding new ways to get the consistent message out to our mission, opportunities, and support our community.
The district continues to look at hiring some more behavioral support for the elementary-level students. The IJAG program has gotten off to a great start, and we will continue to monitor its success and reexamine if additional grade levels need this supportive program.
Support of the Mental Health Symposium and purchasing tier I curriculum that can be incorporated in AO time at the High School will provide awareness and resources to all stakeholders. Contracting with a third party of experts will be utilized more as people become more familiar with Mental Health and the needs individuals are struggling with at this time. And continue to work with the wellness committee to support wellness.
The district is also looking to use the money to improve conductivity with a new server and support technology with the TV presenters, devices, and other access to learning.
The district is also taking a look at assessing the HVAC systems and completing the recommendations in two phases—phase I Schuler and non-fire related Middle School upgrades, and phase II is the High School and Washington.
In addition to those purchases, the district ensures the elementary playgrounds are accessible for all students.