(Atlantic) The Cass County Board of Supervisors will hold two public hearings at their meeting Tuesday morning.
The first public hearing and information meeting is regarding the status of expenditure of funding the County received for COVID-19 response. The County, working with Cass County Food Policy Council, SWITA, County Food Pantries, and Public Health increased its capacity with a food delivery system and food access in Cass County through this Community Development Block Grant of $86,580. As of November 16, $76,086.63 has been expended.
The second public hearing is on the adoption of re-compiling of county ordinances in accord with Code of Iowa 331.302.
Other items on the agenda include accepting the resignation of a member of the Cass County Compensation Board and appointing a member to the Board for the remainder of the four year term ending June 30, 2021.
The Board will also take action on a performance bond for contract for a bridge deck overlay.
The Board will discuss and take potential action on establishment of deputy sheriff sergeant classification. They will also discuss Natural Conservation and Wildlife Areas Property Tax Exemption – Iowa Code Section 427.1(22).
The meeting begins at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday in the Board Room at the Cass County Courthouse. The public can also attend the meeting via Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/138870131?pwd=dnRLK2ZjcWQ2SWpMQm0wK1c0b2pwUT09
Meeting ID: 138 870 131 Password: 012064