(State) The deer rut is on which means bow hunters are seeing a lot of activity and motorists should be aware.
It’s the right time of year for bucks to be pursuing does. “Don’t be surprised if you see deer out in the middle of the day running. Bucks chasing does. It’s that time of the year. It doesn’t matter if it’s 11:00 in the morning or 3:00 in the afternoon they are out and about.”
Bryan Hayes with the DNR Office in Lewis says this is welcome news for hunters. “It makes bow hunting good. Our bow hunters tend to take stand and wait for deer movement. The deer are definitely moving. It’s prime time to be bow hunting as we hit that peak of the rut.”
It may not be such welcome news for travelers. “Watch for deer as you drive. Don’t veer for the deer. Stay in your lane and slow down. Be on alert and watch for deer.”