(Atlantic) Cass County residents continue to step it up in a time of need.
Brigham Hoegh, Cass County Wellness Coordinator, said the four main food pantries in Atlantic, Anita, Cumberland and Griswold are doing really well thanks to the many generous donations.
“Those pantries have seen a good increase in donations. As you might imagine, they are also seeing an increase in people that are visiting the pantry. But, so far the donations are keeping up with the need well,” said Hoegh. “Anita just saw a big increase in donations recently. This last week, the Atlantic Pantry was open the week before Easter, and people stepped up and donated Easter candy. So, at this time the pantries are doing pretty well.”
Hoegh said the safest way to donate right now is to send a check to the pantry that way they can buy exactly what they need.
The Cass County Food Policy Council has revamped a Facebook page to provide up-to-date information on Cass County food pantries. The page, Cass County Iowa Local Food, Farmers Markets, and Food Access, also provides information on farmers markets, and other local food opportunities.