(Corning) Southwest Valley School will start Wednesday with what they are calling the Wolfpack Volunteer Enrichment Activities.
Superintendent Chris Fenster said they will have a link on their website, southwestvalley.org, and students and parents will be able to click on their student’s building where they will find more information.
“There will be things on there that says either you want to do Online Resources or you want Non Tech Ideas, which will be the packets; they will contact each one of their teachers individually or the principals if they need the packets and we will get those packets out to them on Mondays and Thursdays when we have our normal curbside delivery for our food program that is going on right now,” explained Fenster.
Fenster said the information will be updated every week and teachers will be available by email if needed.
“We think it’s going to be a good option for our kids to go online; and we’re not trying to tell them to do it all day long, it’s not like they’re at school an eight-hour day, it’s more like 15, 25 or 30 minutes to an hour of just going on there at different times during the day and keeping their brains sharp so when we do come back May 4th we’ll be ready to go and we’ll pick up from where we left off and we’ll see how things go,” said Fenster.
Fenster wants to remind parents and students to stay home and stay safe to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.