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WINNING $100 IN BEEF from the Cass County Cattlemen or Massena Livestock Sales in Just 3 easy steps!

STEP 1 – Sign up below and make sure to include your complete information including the telephone number you can be reached in the morning.

STEP 2 – 2 Times Each Friday in May, Sarah will make calls for $100 in Beef – After the 8:30am news with Tom and then after 9:30am sports with Zach.  When your phone rings, make sure to answer “Beef.  It’s What’s For Dinner!”

STEP 3 – Enjoy $100 in Free Beef from The Cass County Cattlemen or $100 in Free Beef from Massena Livestock Sales.  No better way to enjoy BEEF MONTH!

Winners on May 3rd – Travis Huss of Adair and Judi Rumple of Anita

Winners on May 10th – Rob Ticknor of Bridgewater and Brittany Honeck of Anita

Winners on May 17th – Chay Gust of Audubon and Laurie Jobe of Griswold

Winners on May 23rd – Andy Kloewer of Atlantic and Mary Wilms of Griswold

Winners on May 31st – Megan Andersen of Atlantic and Shelia Fletcher of Atlantic