(Atlantic) The Atlantic School Board will act on the second and final reading of the COVID-19 revised school policy on Monday, August 17, at 9:00 a.m.
The decision, based on one paragraph in the policy, passed the first reading by a 3-2 vote this past Wednesday. The section as given on the first reading states: non-medical grade face masks are encouraged by all individuals on school grounds, including students, employees, and volunteers. The district will provide covers to individuals who request them, and reusable masks should be washed regularly by individuals wearing them.
Jenny Williams, Kristy Pellett, and Josh McLaren voted yes in keeping the use of face coverings optional. Laura McLean and Nick Hunt voted no. Hunt is for mandating all individuals in the grades above the elementary level to wear face masks where it is impossible to social distance. Laura McLean claims the covers protect others.
Atlantic Schools Superintendent Steve Barber says there is an entire spectrum of school districts, businesses, and communities with differing opinions in regards to face coverings. “There are a lot of strong opinions in regards to this topic,” said Barber. “There is research and some conflicting research,” said Barber. “We’re going to running the meeting via zoom because it is a short meeting.”
Barber says the board will also consider again installing the COVID-19 transportation practice for activities, which allowed parents or guardians to drive their student-athletes to games, and competitions. “The board will consider this same policy again for the fall activities, or possibly as long as transportation restrictions are in place, said Barber, to make it logistically possible to transport our students to and from activities in a safe manner.”
Barber says rural families planning on driving their children to school rather than ride the school bus, are asked to contact the bus garage to let them know.