(Atlantic) On Wednesday, the Atlantic City Council reviewed and approved the final plans for the 2025 Downtown Street Improvement Project. City Engineer Dave Sturm appeared in front of the City Council. Sturm addressed the project on Main Street from the Depot to 7th Street.
The entire project includes:
– Chestnut Street (from Depot Station to 7th Street)
– 2nd Street (from Poplar Street to Walnut Street)
– 3rd Street (from Poplar Street to Walnut Street) – 4th Street (from Poplar Street to Walnut Street)
– 5th Street (from Poplar Street to Walnut Street) – 6th Street (from Poplar Street to Walnut Street)
-Walnut Street north of 7th Street
Sturm says the 22-block project, which includes two blocks each of 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th and Walnut Street north of 7th, is slated to take about 50 working days to complete.
Additionally, the Council approved a resolution to schedule a bid letting and public hearing for April 2 at 5:30 p.m. in the Atlantic City Council Chambers at City Hall.