(Council Bluffs) Pottawattamie County Secondary Roads Department is declaring a Snow Emergency. The Snow Emergency will go into effect at 7:00 P.M., on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and will remain in effect until 7:00 P.M., on March 5, 2025. During snow removal operations, vehicles cannot be parked on or along any public County roadway.
Plows cannot maintain clear roadways during rapid snow accumulation or
high winds. Pottawattamie County advises against travel in these conditions for your safety and ours. Our operations will be most effective as the accumulation and winds subside and visibility is restored. Depending on storm severity, the clean-up may take up to 48 hours after the storm subsides.
Residents are encouraged to stay informed of the latest news from Pottawattamie County Secondary Roads, by monitoring local news and subscribing to email and text alerts for road notifications at iceasb.org/road-notifications/subscribe/. By viewing the new Pottawattamie County Snow Event Map, travelers can also view where the Secondary Roads winter maintenance vehicles have been.