(Des Moines) Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig says Bird Flu continues to challenge poultry, and dairy producers across the United States.
Naig tells KSOM/KS95 News that bird flu is showing a significant spike in the eastern U.S. For example, Ohio, the second leading egg-producing state, has lost 25 percent of its production just in the last few weeks. Iowa has lost 15 percent of its production since December. Naig says Iowa is three years into the HPAI virus’s effect on poultry and dairy operations.
Naig says the other piece is getting serious about a vaccine.
Naig is not certain when a commercialized vaccine will be available, but he thinks we are talking weeks and months, not years, which is very good news. Naig says work needs to be done on the efficacy and safety of the vaccine, all important questions that can be answered.