(Anita, IA) – At Tuesday’s meeting of the CAM school board, outgoing Superintendent Paul Croghan talked with the CAM school board members about much needed upgrades to their facilities. Croghan gave the board members a list with at least 72 items that needed to be addressed
The total cost for all the items is around 15 million dollars – there is no way that the school board has the money to complete all the projects. So the job of the school board is to prioritize which items they can tackle first. Board Member Chuck Kinzie says they are going to have to make some tough decisions
The board could have around 5 million dollars available to spend on facility upgrades but the exact figure is still up in the air. Some of the money will have to be spent on getting facilities up to ADA compliant. The board debated about putting a bond before the CAM voters to raise more money but it would take over a year to get it done and there’s no guarantee for its success. Croghan’s recommendation to the board is start acting now
No timetable has been set to start facility upgrades but the CAM school board has pledged that this is the start of the process.