(Page Co) The Page County Sheriff’s Office has kicked off their Operation Blessing program.
The Sheriff’s Office is taking requests from now through December 13th to ensure that requests for gifts can be filled without running into a shortage of items or time to fill the requests. Gifts will be delivered just prior to Christmas Eve.
The Page County Reserve Program started Operation Blessing in the mid 1980’s to ensure that every child in the rural areas of Page County had the opportunity to receive a gift at Christmas. It has continued every year since for over 40 years.
The Page County Sheriff’s Office Operation Blessing program will cover children who reside in the communities of Shambaugh, Braddyville, College Springs, Yorktown, Coin, Blanchard, Essex, and Northboro as well as the rural areas of Page County. Ages of children covered by this program are birth through fourteen (14) years of age and must be a resident of the above-mentioned communities or rural Page County.
The requests must come from a parent or guardian of the child and can be called into the Page County Sheriff’s Office at 712-542-5193, or reported in person by the parent or guardian at the Page County Sheriff’s Office located at 323 N 15th Street in Clarinda, IA.
Again, requests will be taken from now through December 13. Each child will be given a first and second choice. It is suggested that a toy and clothing be requested.
Anyone wishing to donate money to the Page County Sheriff’s Office Operation Blessing program can either stop by the Page County Sheriff’s Office or mail the monetary donation to the Page County Sheriff’s Office at 323 North 15th Clarinda, Iowa, 51632. Monetary donations are taken year-round at the Office.
The Page County Sheriff’s Office thanks everyone for their donations and support of the program throughout the years, for without monetary donations, this program would not be able to continue.
Sheriff Lyle Palmer said, “I wish to also thank our staff at the Sheriff’s Office/ Jail/ PAGECOMM Dispatch for their assistance in everything they do with this program. They go above and beyond with the call taking, shopping, wrapping and organization of this program. They, along with the organizations, businesses, and individuals who donate make this program a success every year. THANK YOU!!! May everyone have a joy-filled and safe Holiday season.”