(Atlantic) Construction is underway for the new Splash Pad south of the Sunnyside Pool in Atlantic.
In March, the Atlantic City Council approved the low bid from Henley Group LLC, out of Muscatine, for $552,084. The engineers’ estimate was $611,328.00. Thanks to Rob Stamp’s construction, the dirt work is complete. The in-beds are in, and the concrete pad will be poured this week.
The Splash Pad includes over 4,000 square feet of space, including an overspray zone and a giant clear dump bucket. The project has various features, including a small water table for toddlers and a simple ground spray for kids.
A groundbreaking ceremony was held on May 20 for the new Atlantic Splash Pad. The community started having meetings in the summer of 2022, a committee was formed that fall, and fundraising kicked off about one year ago.