(Montgomery Co) The Montgomery County Auditor’s Office says to comply with Legislative changes last year with HF-718 county auditors are required to mail a statement to county taxpayers by March 20 with state-specified information related to proposed local government budgets and proposed property tax rates. (Iowa Code 24.2A)
The information is about the taxes 2024 payable in September 2025 and March 2026. You should receive a statement if you expect to receive a property tax bill in September. The statement is not a property tax bill. It includes data for proposed city, school district and county budgets but does not include proposed budgets for smaller taxing authorities, such as the community college, assessor’s office, townships, and agricultural extension service.
The budget statement will include information regarding school, county, and city proposed tax rates as well as information about scheduled public hearings regarding the proposed tax rates.
The budget statement will include the following information:
• Date, time, and location of public hearings to consider proposed property tax rates for next fiscal year
• Phone number and website (if applicable) for each associated taxing authority
• Current, effective, and proposed tax rate information
• Comparison of current, effective, and proposed tax rates
• How current taxes levied by the school, county and city are distributed
• Comparison of how taxes would be distributed in the current and proposed budget years
Please visit the Department of Management website for general property tax explanation and calculation of individual impact-DOM web site on the back of the mailer.