-All Akins locations will be closing at 11AM today.
-Rex Pharmacy in Atlantic Closed today.
-Massena Livestock Sales is postponing its regular sale and Bred Cow and Heifer Pair sale until Thursday, March 6.
-Cook Sanitation is picking up their Wednesday route tomorrow, March 6th.
-Atlantic News Telegraph will be delayed in town and out of town.
-Cass County Landfill Closed Today.
-Shafer Systems in Adair Closed today.
-Cass County Extension office is Closed Today.
-All branches of Rolling Hills Bank and Trust opening at 10AM. with limited staff.
-The First Whitney Bank Branch Location is Closed until further notice. The Main Branch will remain open.
-Duke Aerial and Precision Components Closed today.
-Vetters in Audubon is Closed.
-The First Shift at Elkhart Plastics is canceled today.
-Lindeman Tractor is closed for the day.
-The Audubon, Crawford, Harrison and Shelby County ISU Extension and Outreach offices are Closed Today, March 5.
–Nishna Valley Family YMCA Pool is closed until 10:00 a.m. (Body Conditioning is canceled for tonight. Cycle Circuit Class is canceled)
-The SWIPCO and SWITA offices will remain closed for the day (March 5th). No SWITA services will run today. We plan on resuming normal operations and hours on Thursday, March 6.
-Cass Health is closing multiple clinics today. Atlantic Medical Center, Anita Medical Center, Massena Medical Center, Griswold Medical Center, Surgery Clinic, Med Spa, Rehab Services, Specialty Clinic – All Closed. All provider clinics are canceled today. Cardiac & Pulmonary Rehab is closed today. Rapid Care will open at 10:30AM today.
-Midwest Health in Atlantic is closed today.
-The Atlantic Public Library will delay opening until 1 pm today.
-Atlantic Elks Bingo scheduled for Thursday, March 6th is canceled.
-Salute Gymnastics-No Classes
-First United Methodist Church in Atlantic canceling Ash Wednesday Church Service
-Hillside Hope Church in Atlantic canceling all activities.
-Zion Lutheran Church in Atlantic canceling all Ash Wednesday services.
-First Lutheran Church in Wiota – All Wednesday services are Canceled.
-Lewis United Congregational Methodist Church canceling services.
-Buck Creek Methodist Church canceling services.
-Marne Methodist Church canceling services
-Holy Cross Trinity Lutheran Church in Anita is postponing today’s worship to Thursday, March 6, at 3:30 p.m.
-Emanuel Lutheran Church in Fontanelle – All Wednesday Services are Canceled.
-Emanuel Lutheran Church in Kimballton – All Services are Canceled.
-Grace Circle at Zion Lutheran Church in Atlantic Wednesday Cancelled.
-Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Exira Wednesday Mass Canceled.
-Exira Lutheran Church has canceled all Ash Wednesday Services.
-Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Griswold 7:30 Ash Wednesday Mass is Canceled.
-Our Savior Lutheran Church – All Wednesday Services are Canceled.
-St Paul Lutheran Church in Atlantic- All church activities canceled for Wednesday.
-Adair and Casey United Methodist Churches Ash Wednesday Service Canceled.
-No Ash Wednesday Service at Mamreland Lutheran Church in Stanton. Check out their facebook page for online possibilities.
Snow Emergencies
-A snow emergency is in effect for the City of Griswold starting at 5:00 PM (Tuesday, March 4, 2025) and will continue through the duration of the storm and the forty-eight (48) hours after the storm ceases.
–City of Audubon Snow Emergency in effect from 4:00AM to 6:00PM Wednesday
–Pottawattamie County Snow Emergency Information:
Avoca: 4:00 PM Tuesday – End of event
Carson: 7:00 PM Tuesday – 7:00 PM Wednesday
Council Bluffs: 7:00 PM Tuesday – 7:00 PM Wednesday
Underwood: 8:00 PM Tuesday – 12:00 PM Wednesday
Pottawattamie County Secondary Roads: 7:00 PM Tuesday – 7:00 PM Wednesday
Minden: 7:00 PM Tuesday – 7:00 PM Wednesday
Walnut: 7:00 PM Tuesday – 4:00 PM Wednesday. If unable to remove cars from the street park on the even-numbered side of the street tonight & the odd-numbered side of the street Wednesday.