(Atlantic) The Atlantic Boys’ basketball team looks to bounce back tonight in a Hawkeye Ten Conference basketball game with Clarinda. The Cardinals topped the Trojans the first time around 49-28.
Atlantic Head Coach Dalton Franken is preparing his squad for a full-court press, similar to what the Cardinals did the first time.
Coach Franken mentions the Cardinal’s scoring leaders: Cooper Phillips, Freshman Cooper Baumgart, Warner Schmitt, and Kyle Wagoner, who all average just under 10 points per game.
The Trojans average 47.80 points per game offensively, led by Gavin McLaren’s 13.78 points per game. Kinnick Juhl is averaging 11.
The game tips off after the girl’s contest. The game will be broadcast on 95.7 F.M. and live-streamed on westerniowatoday.com