(Cass Co) The Cass County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Budget this morning.
After receiving no public comments, the Supervisors voted four to one to approve a resolution setting compensation schedule for elected officials in Fiscal Year 2025. Supervisor Wendy Richter voted nay. The recommended compensation schedule for elected officials included a three-percent raise for the Attorney, Recorder, Auditor, Treasurer, Sheriff, and Supervisors with the Chair of the Supervisors getting a $1,000 stipend. Board Chairman Steve Baier read the approved salaries.
A resolution adopting the Fiscal Year 2025 Cass County Budget was then approved.
The Supervisors also held a public hearing on the proposed vacation of approximately 900 feet Chicago Road west of the bridge west of 770th Street. There were no public comments, but the Board did hold a lengthy discussion on whether or not that bridge should be included in the vacation. In the end, the Supervisors voted four to one to approve vacating the 900 feet west of the bridge with Supervisor Mark O’Brien voting nay.