(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council on Wednesday approved the Second Amendment to Ambulance Services Agreement between City of Atlantic, Cass Health, Cass County and Midwest Medical Transport Company.
Midwest Medical Transport Company has requested a second amendment to their operating agreement. The City, County and Hospital have been in ongoing negotiations and reached an agreement to amend the subsidy and backfill amount for Midwest Medical.
City Administrator John Lund said to pay for the FY 2025 increase of 84.31%, or $109,603, the City is declaring a utility surplus in the wastewater fund to avoid a true and unsustainable operating deficit or resorting to severe cuts to various City services. Lund said this is a “functional bailout and buyer of time” for Atlantic and Cass County residents to determine how to continue paying for ambulance services.
Lund stated that if you are a taxpayer in Atlantic and you own property, it is very much in your interest vote Yes to EMS in November.
Lund said the property tax increase to cover the City’s portion of the contract would bring Atlantic to a record high property tax levy.
Atlantic Mayor Grace Garrett noted that the ambulance service is a benefit to the whole county, it’s not just a City of Atlantic service.