(Avoca) The design and development phases are complete, and the next phase is the construction documents for the AHSTW School Improvement project. This past November, AHSTW School District Patrons passed a $12.9 million bond issue to fund improvements to the existing K-12 facilities, build an addition, and renovate learning environments.
AHSTW Schools Superintendent Darin Jones, at Wednesday’s School Board meeting, shared with the board some pieces going into the new facility.
Jones says the construction project addresses all parts of the building. Crews will install new lighting and a fire suppression system in the elementary facility. The construction team will build a new addition on the west side of the school facility.
The new edition features a wood and metal shop next to the Ag classroom, a new family consumer classroom, a new business classroom, and a brand-new high school music room on the northwest corner of the building.
Two meetings dealing with construction documents are scheduled in August and early September. The project will go out for bids sometime in November.