(Atlantic) The Atlantic Chamber Ambassadors were hosted by Matt Kernen of Farm Bureau on Thursday, December 10th. The Ambassadors welcomed him to his new location in Atlantic.
Matt Kernen shared that he spent the last 10 years in the manufacturing industry before he joined Farm Bureau this spring. Matt decided to change careers after multiple conversations with friends about his drive and personality being a great fit for customer service and building relationships. Matt joined Farm Bureau in the spring when he heard of an office open in Atlantic.
Matt is married to Christy Kernen who is also licensed in insurance and works alongside him. Matt and Christy live in Fontenelle and are anxious to meet the great people of Atlantic. Matt shared that with COVID-19 it has been hard to get out and meet people in the community, so they chose to join the Chamber of Commerce and appreciated meeting others through the organization.
The office is located at 1501 E 7th Street in Atlantic.
(Ambassador’s Pictured Left to Right: Jessi Klever, Kelsey Beschorner, Colt Doherty, Dolly Bergmann, Jennifer McEntaffer, Matt Kernen, Christy Kernen, Bill Saluk, Dawn Marnin, Carole Schuler, Donnie Drennan, Brooke Ruggles, Tom Gross)