(Red Oak) Red Oak City Administrator Brad Wright and the Red Oak City Council are considering a joint bid with the City of Clarinda for the 2021 Street project, to obtain better pricing. Wright says a 28E agreement between the two cities may be needed if the two entities were to proceed.
“We are looking at this to see if bidding the two projects together would create cost savings,” said Wright. “If we could get enough tonnage involved would a company bring an asphalt plant in, and see if there is an advantage to partnering on the bid process.”
Wright says the proposed project under consideration in Red Oak includes; asphalting 3rd Street from Corning to Oak, Washington from Broadway to 8th Street, and Eastern Avenue from Hammond to Forest, along with the parking lot on Washington Street between 4th and 5th Street as an optional alternate.
The Council is also considering a concrete paving project in 2022 of Eastern Avenue from Forest Street to Summit.