(Audubon) A bid has been awarded for the next phase of Audubon’s Wastewater Treatment Improvement project.
The Audubon City Council approved Municipal Pipe and Tool’s bid of just over $644,000 during their meeting on Monday. The Council also decided a course of action for EMS funds received through billing for ambulance services. City Clerk Joe Foran says, “The net revenues will be put aside into a reserve savings account. Hopefully it will accumulate and the next time we need an ambulance or something we’ve got it there.”
Foran says the fire chief and a couple of captains were on hand for the discussion on how to handle these proceeds. Audubon started charging for ambulance services a few years ago, but only recently has the city been handling the income. “We realized from an audit that the city needs to control those funds, so we moved them over. Whatever is left over after supplies and expenses were are going to put aside for capitol improvements, kind of like what we do with the fire department right now.”
Additionally, 2% raises were approved for department heads which is the same increase received by city employees. Foran states the underground tanks located at 408 Market Street have been officially cleaned up by the Iowa DNR and the property is ready to be transferred back to the original owner.