(Cumberland) While some churches will return to regular services this weekend, Cumberland United Methodist won’t be one of them.
Pastor Casey Pelzer notes the Bishop has strongly encouraged Methodist churches not to hold in-house worship until at least June. “Obviously we are going to follow her order, but it is a unique situation. This is a time for the church to serve and love those that are most vulnerable. In talking with a lot of local pastors it seems the best way we can serve and love those is by keeping them safe.”
With the sharing of books and other items Pelzer says it isn’t as simple as just having people sit six feet apart. He says there are a lot of logistics that go into why a church may or may not open the doors.
Whenever the doors do re-open he expects to see some new faces, but knows not everyone will be rushing back. “I’ve thought about that a lot and I just don’t know. I think people are longing to get back to worship. I think there will be some new people that feel called to come to worship because this is a time where they feel challenged to start searching for some meaning and some answers, but I think some people are going to be especially careful in returning.”