(Audubon) The Audubon County Board of Supervisors held a public budget hearing this week and approved the FY21 Budget.
The levy rate is on the rise in Audubon County with a county rate of 6.05721 and rural rate of 11.69868. Todd Nelsen with the Board of Supervisors says, “The bottom line is the levy rate went up. We exceeded our limit on rural basic levy. We have the ability to exceed that limit if we find it necessary and I guess this year we found it necessary in an attempt to transfer to secondary roads.”
Nelsen explains it came down to having enough room in the budget to order rock and the last two years they’ve needed more than usual.
The board also responded to compensation board recommendations for elected officials this week. The recommendation was a 7.5% increase for the County Sheriff and 5% increase for all other elected officials. The Supervisors cut those figures in half and approved a 3.75% raise for the County Sheriff and 2.5% increase for all other positions.