(Elk Horn) The Exira-EHK School Board approved certified teacher salaries as well as support staff and administrative salaries during a meeting this week.
Superintendent Trevor Miller says the total package increase including benefits comes to 3.5%. “The salary was right around 2% and then we include the insurance. It’s good to settle and get that all done.”
In other news, essential learning packets and other round of weekly meals were disbursed on Monday. Miller reports participation in their meal pick-up program has nearly doubled from the first week they were offered. “As this continues and more and more people know about it and budgets get tighter it is good that we can offer that option for our families. We hand out all of our meals for the week so take 126 times five and that’s how many meals our volunteer nutrition staff did.”
Additionally, the board this week approved the list of 2020 graduates. “They are ready to go. With some of the requirements being lightened we’re looking like we’ll get everyone through this year. Hopefully they’ll be able to get back school so they can have their last few weeks as a senior. That’s tough right now with possibly adjusting prom and graduation and possibly not having spring sports.”
METC was approved as the telephone and internet provider. Miller says they are working right now to equip some of the students with coverage they might need to learn online.
Personnel moves include Jen Petersen and Connie Jessen becoming full-time instructional coaches, Katie Boehm shifting from 2nd to 5th grade, and Cami Bruck has been hired as a new 2nd grade teacher.