(Atlantic) The Board of Adjustment approved a conditional use permit application submitted by Schildberg Construction Co. Inc.
The Board of Adjustment convened Monday morning and approved the application by unanimous decision following a public hearing in the Atlantic City Council Chambers. The permit allows surface mining on the Tieg Family property at 2301 SW 7th Street just north of Schildberg’s current underground operation.
“The board looked at something similar to the Hunt land to the south in 2002,” explained Lund. “That probably made it an easier decision for the board because it replicates what is already going on in the area, it’s just on a new piece of land.”
Mark Schildberg says the changes will be minimal and gradual over the next 20-25 years. During this time the open pit will be moving west towards Highway 6 and then north parallel with the highway. As it becomes depleted, it will be filled in and another pit will be mined.
The truck activity is expected to remain consistent with current levels. Stockpiles and processing will remain in place and not change.
Meanwhile, Schildberg Construction has been working with Snyder and Associates on concept plans for a visual buffer of the area similar to what was seen in the 2003 conditional use permit.
Additionally, Mr. Schildberg has expressed an interest in continuing his company’s history of civic generosity in allowing the site to be transformed into another multi-use area that would service both private commercial businesses along the highway in addition to the public recreation space to the west.