(Atlantic) Glen Smith, Chairman and CEO of the Farm Credit Administration in Washington D.C. says there is cause for optimism for agriculture in 2020, compared to one year ago. Smith met recently with FCA farm economists during a round table discussion. Their consensus points toward a brighter future for the agricultural sector in the coming year.
Smith says MFP payments are another reason for optimism.
But, the main reason for a better farm outlook, according to Smith, is trade.
Glen Smith, of Atlantic, was designated by President Donald Trump as chairman and CEO of the Farm Credit Administration this past July. FCA has an examination and regulatory authority over the Farm Credit System, with oversight by Congress. Collectively, the institutions of the Farm Credit System constitute the nation’s largest single provider of agricultural credit, with offices in all 50 states and assets over $350 billion.
Smith has served as a member of the FCA board, as well as a member of the board of directors of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, since December 2017, when President Trump appointed him to the FCA board. His term on the board will expire on May 21, 2022.
(Photo: Glen Smith (second from left) appearing at a Congressional Hearing in November)