(Audubon) The Audubon School Board Monday night approved the Building Committee’s recommendations in the Comprehensive Facility Assessment and Improvement Plan.
“We are excited to start moving forward with our renovation of the Middle School/High School building,” said Audubon Superintendent Eric Trager. “There are large portions of the building that are original 1965 vintage, so we’re looking at renovating those. We currently are operating with six different HVAC systems in this building so we want to kind of consolidate that and make it more efficient and get rid of some equipment that is end of life. It’s a pretty large project, every part of the building will be touched, some will be pretty major renovations and some will be just little minor face lifts in some of the newer parts of the building.”
Trager said they will be going to the public with a bond election in March and so between now and March 3rd they will be out trying to meet with as many groups as they can to give them details on what the project entails, what the tax impact will be on the project, and why they think it’s important to move forward with it.
In other news, the School Board approved early retirement applications from Lori Bolick, district technology coordinator, and Sue Hawkins, P.E. teacher and instructional coach.