(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council recognized several people for their years of service at Wednesday’s City Council meeting.
Atlantic Fire Chief Mark McNees was recognized for his 12 –years of service as Atlantic’s Fire Chief. McNees joined the Volunteer Fire Department on July 10, 1990, and became the Fire Chief on March 1, 2007. Over the past 12-years, he has maintained a very lean and effective organization, protecting the community with three full-time Firefighters and 34 volunteers. He has announced he will step down Fire Chief at the end of the year.
Julie Tjepkes was recognized for her 32-years of service to the Atlantic Public Library. Tjepkes started her career as the Children’s Librarian with the Atlantic Public Library on August 17, 1987. Mayor Dave Jones thanks Julie for her 32-years of a kind, patient service, all of the great memories and experiences she created for children and families of our community.
Councilperson Ashley Hayes was recognized for her seven-years of service as the Third Ward City Council member. Hayes began her term on the City Council on January 1, 2012, and was one of the youngest City Councilmember’s to serve on the City Council. Mayor Jones recognized Hayes for her valuable service to the City.
Councilman Chris Jimerson was recognized for his seven-years representing the Atlantic First Ward. Jimerson began serving on the City Council on January 1, 2012. Over the past seven years, he has served as the Representative of the City’s First Ward. He has served as the liaison to the Fire Department, the Cass County Public Safety Commission, and chaired the Community Protection Committee. The Mayor thanked Chris for his years of dedicated service to the City.
Councilman Dana Halder was recognized for his nine years of service representing the City of Atlantic on the Council. Halder represented the entire community as an At-Large Representative. He has served as the liaison to the CADCO, the Library Board, the Airport Tall Structures Board and Chaired the Community Development Committee. Mayor Jones thanked Dana for his years of service.