(Des Moines) Every year the National Weather Service designates this time in March to raise awareness of the transition from winter weather to severe weather season.
Audio PlayerJim Lee is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Des Moines says Severe Weather Awareness Week is an opportunity to highlight the importance of being aware of and prepared for severe weather through a different focus each day. Monday’s focus was on “Lightening Safety.”
Audio PlayerJim Lee says today’s focus is on understanding the differences between the various types of severe weather warnings. He says the public should have at least two ways to receive a warning, and knowing what to do when the weather service issues one of those weather warnings.
Audio PlayerThere are numerous ways to receive these warnings. One of the most effective ways to receive critical weather information is by a NOAA Weather Radio, cell phone wireless alerts, through commercial television, or radio.
Wednesday’s focus in on preparedness and the statewide tornado drill.