(Audubon) Audubon Head Boys Wrestling Coach Tyler Christensen believes his team is physically prepared to compete in the district tournament this weekend. He emphasizes that the focus now is on mentally preparing to qualify for the state wrestling meet. Christensen acknowledges that every bracket is filled with strong competitors.
Leyton and returning state qualifier Lane Elmquist head into the districts with 41 and 36 wins, respectively.
Coach Christensen mentions that other squad members are also performing at their best and have a chance to qualify. He points out that this is his first year coaching the Wheelers, and they have the most prospects for making it to the state tournament.
Senior Jack Stanerson, along with younger wrestlers John Rasmussen and Mason Kasperbauer, are also wrestling well and contributing to the team’s success.
The teams competing at Glenwood include Atlantic, Audubon, Clarinda, Clarke, Glenwood, Harlan, Red Oak, and Winterset. The meet starts at 10:00 a.m., and coverage will be provided on KS95.7 FM.