(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council, during a special meeting on Wednesday, approved a memorandum of Understanding with the Atlantic School District for a School Resource Officer program.
The Atlantic Community School District and the Atlantic Police Department share the priority of the School Resource Officer program. The SRO provides a point of contact for the school administration on law enforcement issues; builds working relationships with students, staff, and parents; participates in education and problem-solving; and assists the rest of the Police force and community on issues involving young people. Atlantic City Councilwoman and Personnel and Finance Committee member Elaine Otte noted minor changes to the MOU.
Otte reported that Chief Devin Hogue informed the City’s Personnel and Finance Committee of his concerns regarding the School Board’s upcoming meeting. He stated that if the School Board does not take action on the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during that meeting, the likelihood of having an officer onboard by the time the District returns from Christmas break will be reduced. The selected School Resource Officer (SRO) will have completed the necessary certifications, finished the Law Enforcement Academy, and undergone the required training for SROs.
The school Resource Officer is not a security officer for the schools, although he or she can advise on security matters and assist in training. The School Resource Officer also supports early intervention, diversion programs, and alternatives to traditional juvenile involvement in the criminal justice system.
The MOU also outlines the responsibilities, expectations, accountability, and general operating structure for the SRO program and explains the cost-sharing between the two entities.
In June, the City of Atlantic and the Atlantic Community School District agreed to collaborate and hire a School Resource Officer. Atlantic Police Chief Devin Hogue applied for a Department of Justice COPS grant to initiate the program. Earlier this month, Police Chief Hogue announced they were one of five entities approved for the grant worth $125,000. To fulfill the grant, the SRO position must remain funded by the city and Atlantic School District for twelve months after utilizing the funding.