(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council approved the purchase of sixteen air packs for the fire department.
Atlantic Fire Chief Tom Cappel told the council that the department currently has 26 air packs that were purchased 18 or 19 years ago and of those 26, none of them can be certified anymore.
Cappel said if they get 16 air packs purchased and they get the FEMA grant that will take care of them for another 15 years and then hopefully they can buy the 15 year or 30 year bottles, so they would only be buying half the bottles every 15 years.
The Council also approved authorizing bids for the 2024 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation. Dave Sturm with Snyder and Associates explains…
Sturm said they will take bids on February 29th and bring the numbers back to the Council in March.
The final action item approved was a resolution allocating the Alliant Energy gas franchise fee for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025.