(Atlantic) The Atlantic City Council will award the 2023 Fireworks contract and discuss this year’s fireworks display at Wednesday’s meeting.
The City Council awarded the City of Atlantic’s 2022 Fireworks Display contract to Wild Wayne’s on October 6, 2021. On May 3, the City Council announced the solicitation for sealed bids for this year’s Fourth of July display with a 5:00 p.m. deadline on Friday, May 12. Wild Wayne’s submitted the only request of $12, 500.00, which is $1,750.00 over the city budget.
Atlantic City Administrator John Lund says without an alternative bid, the Council on Wednesday must either reject the request, not have a show or accept the offer and use money from Local Option Sales Tax to make up the difference.
The City Council will also discuss the date of the Fourth and the two proceeding days when residents can shoot fireworks. There is a high degree of likelihood that they will be shot off on Saturday, July 1. However, this would fall on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Atlantic City Administrator John Lund says the Council will need to come to a consensus on what days should be allowed for the use of fireworks so they can get those dates finalized for the June 7 agenda.