(Guthrie Co) The Guthrie County Board of Supervisors on Thursday approved a motion to allow public comments throughout the meeting.
The time for public comments was placed on the agenda at the beginning of the meeting. However, one citizen asked for clarification on the public comment rules.
Board Chairman Brian Johnson said most entities have their public comment section either at the beginning of a meeting, or at the end.
Supervisor Maggie Armstrong said if the board did move forward with allowing comments throughout the meeting and someone gets out of line then she feels it is appropriate that the board chair can end that specific line of questioning or disruption. Supervisor Mike Dickson said from past experience, there was only one or two times where someone was out of line.
In the end, the Supervisors voted 4 to 1, with Johnson voting Nay, to allow public comments throughout the meeting.
Brian Johnson also stated that the video feed of the meeting will turn on as soon as there is a quorum in the Board Room and will not shut off until there is no longer a quorum present.