(Griswold) Republican Representative Tom Moore of Griswold says one of his goals is to remove barriers, to make it easier to become a teacher in Iowa. The 2023 Legislative Session gavels in today.
Moore believes this is going to be an aggressive session with a lot of educational issues. He has four bills currently in the drafting stage; one addresses hiring teachers.
Moore says other issues involve curriculum, explicit books being used, and parental rights.
Moore says discussion could take place with school employees with issues and asked to resign but can apply at another school district because the records are sealed.
Moore is also going to work on a bill regarding non-medical switching.
Moore admits that not much can be done with federal regulation, so all the state can do to make it simpler on the state’s end is limit the hoops to go through.
Another bill not sitting well with the smaller cities across the state is property tax reform and reducing the statewide 5.40 cent levy. He says another issue will be capping property tax valuations.