(Atlantic) Cass County Auditor Kathy Somers says polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for the general election on November 8.
The Cass County Polling places are listed below:
Atlantic Ward 1-Zion Lutheran Church at 811 Oak Street in Atlantic
Atlantic Ward 2-Atlantic Public Library, 507 Poplar Street – Atlantic
Atlantic Ward 3-Cass County Community Center 805 West 10th Street-Atlantic
Atlantic Ward 4-United Church of Christ 1607 Hazel Street – Atlantic
Atlantic ward 5-Heritge House 1200 Brookridge Circle-Atlantic
Bear Grove, and Cass townships, and the City of Lewis-Lewis Community Center 400 Main Street in Lewis
Benton, Franklin, Grant, Lincoln, City of Anita, and Wiota-Anita Community Center 805 Main Street in Anita
Brighton, Grove, Pymosa, Washington, and the City of Marne-Cass County Community Center 805 West 10th Street in Atlantic
Noble, Pleasant, and City of Griswold-Griswold Community Center 601 2nd Street Griswold
Union Township, and City of Cumberland-Cumberland Community Center 200 West 2nd Street in Cumberland
Edna, Victoria, and east portion of Massena-Massena Public Library 122 Main Street in Massena
West Portion of Massena-CAM Middle School 207 East 6th Street in Massena
Voters may vote absentee by mail. Absentee request forms may be requested from the Cass County Auditor’s Office by calling 243-4570 or visiting https:/sos.iowa.gov/elections/electioninfo/absenteeinfo.html. All absentee ballot request forms for a mailed ballot must be received in the Cass County Auditor’s Office before 5:00 p.m. on October 24, 2022. Requests received after that time will be rejected in accordance with the state law.
Voters may vote absentee in-person at the Cass County Auditor’s Office, 5 W 7th Street Atlantic, IA, during regular business hours through November 7, 2022. The Cass County Auditor’s Office will also be open for General Election business Saturday, November 5, 2022, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pre-registered voters are required to provide an approved form of identification at the polling place before receiving and casting a regular ballot. Voters who are not pre-registered – such as voters registering to vote on Election Day – and voters changing precincts must also provide proof of residence. A voter who is unable to provide an approved form of identification (or prove residence if required) 1) may have the voter’s identity/residence attested to by another registered voter in the precinct, 2) prove identity and residence using Election Day Registration documents, or 3) cast a provisional ballot and provide proof of identity/residence at the Cass County Auditor’s Office by November 14, 2022, at 12:00 p.m. (noon). Election Day Registrant attesters must provide an approved form of identification. For additional information about providing proof of identity and/or residence visit: https://sos.iowa.gov/voterid or phone 712-243-4570.
Absentee and special voter ballots will be counted at the Cass County Courthouse, 5 W 7th Street, Atlantic, Iowa 50022. Voting equipment will be used at the election. Public test of election equipment will be Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 9:00 a.m. in the courthouse and continue until completion of the required test. Voters can find sample ballots on the Cass County Elections website: https://www.casscountyia.gov/county-government/elections/general-elections/.
Any voter who is physically unable to enter a polling place has the right to vote in the voter’s vehicle. For further information, please contact the County Auditor’s Office at the telephone number or e-mail address listed below: Telephone: 712-243-4570 E-mail address: auditor@casscoia.us
The public is hereby notified that the post-election audit for the 2022 General Election will take place on Tuesday, November 14, 2022 at 1:00pm in the Cass County Board of Supervisors Meeting Room. A listing of the candidates that will appear on the ballot are listed below. Please note that this is only one rotation and each precinct will have their corresponding ballot with their rotation posted as a sample ballot at the precinct.