(Anita) The CAM School Board elected Todd McKee as the School President at Tuesday’s meeting.
The retiring board meeting preceded the election of new officers. CAM Schools Superintendent Paul Croghan thanked Nick Kaufman and Gary Dinkla for their years of service.
Croghan welcomed newcomer Cara Murphy and Todd McKee re-elected to the Board. The Board elected Todd McKee as president, and Chuck Kinze, as vice-president. The Board appointed Lindsay Jahde as board secretary/treasurer; the meeting date remains at 6:30 at the Superintendent’s Office in Anita.
The school Board approved two SBRC requests for Modified Supplement Amount of $23 963 for open-enroll out and $67,073-at risk-dropout prevention, both backed by property tax. The School Board also approved the disposal of one of the district school buses.
Croghan says the lease includes the oil and filters within the maintenance schedule. The buses will arrive sometime in early August, pending the supply chain issues.
Additionally, the Board approved Smith Heating and Plumbing’s bid of $29,183.97 for the high school shower replacement project.
The Board also discussed the facilities and bond referendum results. Croghan says with only 33-percent voting in favor; the Board will be making changes to the process in the not-so-distant future.